Book Review: Managing Humans - biting and humorous tales of a software engineering manager

I have read this book on my Kindle device. I must say that you will get a lot of enjoyment while reading this book. The book is written in informal, personal, sometimes too informal style and it is extremely easy to read.

The book covers personal thoughts and experience of the author. I think is is very useful, as people tend to learn more from the personalities instead of some abstract facts or books.

I have used notes & marks on my reading device and I would like to present  some quotes/thoughts which I consider every manager or a software developer must have:
1. Do not give orders. Then someone gives me an order, I hear "Shut up, get moving, I don't care what you think".
2. I know it feels great to make that snap decision and show the team you're the guy in charge, but was it the right decision or was it ego?
3. "With great power comes great responsibility". As a manager you are responsible for making great decisions and the best way to do that is to involve as much of the team as possible.

I believe these are advices everyone can agree with. But the only thing we should do is to remember and use them in your daily life. And unfortunately that's not always that easy. But we should try, don't we?

As for the score, I think it is 5/5.

Have you any recommendation of other management books worth to read?


  1. From the recent that I've read, I liked those two the most:
    - The Goal


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